Howard Thurman Center Chosen to Present at ATS Event

May 6, 2024



The Howard Thurman Center for Justice and Transformational Ministry (HTC) was invited to present its sustainability planning with members of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) at the 2024 ATS/COA Biennial Meeting, which will be held on June 19 and 20 in Atlanta, GA. This year’s theme is “Rooted in Hope, Thriving in Change: Navigating Transitions in Theological Education.”

ATS’ largest membership event, the Biennial Meeting offers participants the opportunity engage with colleagues to learn about industry trends and enhance leadership development skills, to vote on the business of the Association and the Commission, to network and share best practices, and to celebrate milestones and distinguished service in theological education. 

At the event's Resource & Innovation Expo, the HTC will share its learnings and inspire creative conversations about its work, which might provide insights useful to other theological schools.

ATS, one of our accreditors, coordinates the Pathways for Tomorrow project funded by the Lilly Endowment for all theological schools that have been awarded funding. HIU is an awardee in Phase II of the project, funding many of the Howard Thurman Center's initiatives.

"Sustainability is key,” Beverne Cordner, Associate Director of the Howard Thurman Center, said. “We have a tremendous opportunity to diversify our funding streams, streamline the programs and the strategic initiatives of the HTC, and operationalize best practices that drive efficiency and effectiveness when educating, supporting, and empowering every student that accesses the resources of the Howard Thurman Center of HIU."



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