Gratz College Exchange

Students enrolled at Hartford International University in degree programs have the unique opportunity to take classes through a consortium agreement with Gratz College, the oldest independent and pluralistic college for Jewish studies in North America.
HIU students might also meet Gratz College students in our classrooms as they take courses toward a Graduate Certificate in Chaplaincy.
To take a course with Gratz College, students must:
- Meet with their Hartford International advisor, complete a Consortium Cross-Registration Pre-Approval form, and submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office.
Consortium Cross Registration Pre-Approval - Adhere to all of the academic policies and deadlines of Gratz College.
All cross-registration requests are subject to the final approval of Gratz College.
Current Course Offerings
Gratz College courses offered for cross-registration are posted on the HIU Class Schedule each term.
Financial Aid
Courses taken via the Gratz College cross-registration agreement will only be considered as part of a student’s enrollment for determining federal financial aid eligibility if a completed Financial Aid Consortium Form is on file with the Financial Aid Office. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions.
Financial Aid Consortium FormPlease contact the Registrar’s Office with any questions about cross-registration.
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