2nd Sacred Languages Symposium: 'The Name of God'
April 24, 2023
from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
This symposium invites select scholars and practitioners in the field of scriptural studies of the Hebrew Bible, New Testament and the Qur’an to examine and explore various facets of how the sacred languages are understood, used, and interpreted.
This year the symposium focuses on how the “The Name of God” has been conveyed and understood as holy. Come to learn and engage in these interactive presentations. Participants do not need to have any background in languages, but only an interest and curiosity to learn.
- Dr. Deena Grant, Acting Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Jewish Studies
- Many and Inexpressible: God's Names and their Meanings in the Hebrew Bible
- The Rev. Dr. Ed Duffy, Instructor of Greek and Early Christian Studies
- Unpacking the Divine Passive in the Sermon on the Mount: Some scholars of the Greek New Testament use the term "divine passive" for those sentences where the name of God is omitted while using the passive voice. For example, "they will be comforted" can be understood as "God will comfort them." Are there intriguing and perhaps powerful reasons why this is done in the Sermon on the Mount?
- Dr. Suheil Laher, Faculty Associate in Qur'anic Studies
- “God's are the Fairest Names” (Quran, 7:180): The Quran and hadith contain many names for God, and a hadith mentions 99 specific names. This talk introduces the concept of Divine Names in Islam, the history of the genre, and how these names are used for rhetorical effect in the Quran.
- Moderator: Rev. Dr. David D. Grafton, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations
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