Finding Refuge: Earth Love and Climate Grief
October 6, 2023 - 6:15 PM
to October 7, 2023 - 5:00 PM

Finding Refuge is designed to help people work with their grief over the damage being done to Earth’s ecosystems. The retreat will make use of practices of Relational Nature & Forest Therapy and "The Work that Reconnects" to engage with the love of Earth and to access our own deep emotions and calling. Participants will learn about climate grief, experience guided time in nature, and explore a rich array of resources for ongoing support.
We will be under the guidance of Jodi Lammiman, an eco-awareness coach and a facilitator of “The Work that Reconnects,” and Justin Ferko, a Certified Relational Nature, and Forest Therapy Guide (ANFT), professional chaplain, and inter-spiritual counselor.
Finding Refuge will take place at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center and the adjacent nature preserves in beautiful Litchfield, CT, on the evening of Oct. 6 from 6:15 to 9 p.m. and the morning and afternoon of October 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Meals are provided but overnight accommodations are not.
The cost is:
$75 for Friday only
$100 for Saturday only
$125 for both days
This program is co-sponsored by the Spiritual Life Center and the Center for Transformative Spirituality at HIU.
Again, please note that this cost does not include the cost of overnight accommodations.
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