Interfaith Art Exhibition: Holy City — a spiritual pilgrimage

October 15, 2024
from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Holy city painting

Please join us for the opening reception of Interfaith Art Exhibition: Holy City — a spiritual pilgrimage! Immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Brian Whelan's inspiring art as we come together to appreciate the spiritual essence of our shared humanity. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the power of art to transcend boundaries and foster understanding.

You will meet artist Brian Whelan and learn about his vision of unity among the three Abrahamic faiths. The artwork will remain at Hartford International University for viewing until November 22. This exhibition is organized by the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at HIU.

"Although I have been to many holy cities around the world, these paintings do not depict any holy city that exists in today's world," Whelan said of his work. "This is my aspirational vision of what a holy city looks like. Each of the canvases contain churches, mosques, and synagogues, painted in bright, playful and colorful forms. An abstracted, disarming vision of cultural unity; living together in peace, acceptance, and harmony; a haven for the soul."


About the Artist

An Irish citizen, Whelan was born in London and lived on both sides of the Irish Sea. He trained at the Royal Academy of Art in London. Whelan spent 20 years in East Anglia, studying the medieval churches of England. He now resides in Wilton, CT.

This exhibition of Whelan's work follows others on the subject of conflict and war. Visit www.brianwhelan.co.uk to learn more.

Whelan's work can be found in private collections and religious institutions around the world, as well as on exhibition in three public centers on the Camino pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.


Using the theme of "Pilgrimage," each co-sponsoring organization below will host an educational event. Details will be added as they become available.

Mandell Jewish Community Center
Tuesday, Oct. 22
7 p.m.

Journey and Joy on Sukkot: A Hands-On Workshop

Sukkot is one the three major Jewish pilgrimage holidays; it celebrates the fall harvest, and its primary focus is joy.  During this week long festival, Jews build a temporary structure called a sukkah and invite friends and family to come to their sukkah to visit and share a meal. In that spirit, we invite you to join us in the Sukkah in the JCC Courtyard* for a special workshop led by Debra Cantor, Rabbi of B'nai Tikvoh-Sholom, and Certified Facilitator of the Jewish Studio Process. Through text study, reflection, and art-making, we'll explore the themes of pilgrimage, fragility, and joy.  The program will also include traditional blessings and a snack. People of all faiths are welcome! Please register here

*Weather permitting; if necessary, we will move inside the JCC.

John P. Webster Library at First Church, West Hartford
Tuesday, October 29 
7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

In Conversation with Stephen Drew, Author of Into the Thin: A Pilgrimage Walk Across Northern Spain 

Experience an evening on the Camino de Santiago through stories and photographs, as Stephen Drew of Morris, CT, author of Into the Thin, A Pilgrimage Walk Across Northern Spain, explores the outer - and inner - act of pilgrimage. Free event. Please register here

Other Sponsors

Center for Transformative Spirituality at HIU
Spiritual Life Center
Farmington Valley American Muslim Center


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