Pilgrimage to Iona

June 7, 2025 - 9:00 AM
to June 14, 2025 - 6:00 PM

Hartford International University plans a pilgrimage to Iona in Scotland from June 7-14, 2025. Spots remain open for the trip, but the sooner you reserve your place, the better.
Iona is a tiny island off the southwest coast of Mull in the Inner Hebrides, a “thin place,” which holds great meaning to people the world over. Iona has a long and illustrious history and is well known as being ‘The Cradle of Christianity’ in Scotland. Each year over 130,000 visitors make the pilgrimage to Iona for retreat, renewal, and study, many leaving with a sense of great peace and restoration.
Our group traveled to Iona for pilgrimage, spiritual retreat, and renewal, and to study with John Philip Newell in 2022. The details for our 2025 trip can be found at this website: https://hiuiona.weebly.com/
Our Pilgrimage Coodinator is Mike Corey, and he welcomes your questions. Please contact him at mcorey@hartfordinternational.edu
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