Aspen Institute Webinar Features Seminary President Heidi Hadsell

September 10, 2013

Hartford Seminary President Heidi Hadsellwas a featured speaker in a Sept. 18 webinar about the Aspen Institute’s Principled Pluralism report and the Inclusive America project. Religions for Peace USA hosted the webinar with the Aspen Institute. It also featured Joseph DeMott (Aspen Institute) and Paul Raushenbush (Huffington Post). Download the report and watch the webinar.

The report details work on the topic of religious diversity in the United States and makes recommendations “to guarantee the future vitality of religious pluralism,” according to Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson. The Inclusive America Project, chaired by Dr. Madeleine Albright and Prof. David Gergen, is an intiative of the Aspen Institute’s Justic and Society Program. Dr. Hadsell contributed a chapter to the report entitled “The Youth Are Leading the Way.”

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