Dr. Lucinda Mosher Book Wins 1st Place Award in Interfaith Relations
July 15, 2024
The book With the Best of Intentions: Interreligious Misteps and Mistakes (Orbis 2023), co-edited by Dr. Lucinda Mosher, Director of HIU’s Master of Arts in Interreligious Studies program, along with Elinor J. Pierce and Dr. Or N. Rose, has received a First Place Award in the category of Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations from the Catholic Media Association (CMA).
The CMA Book Awards “recognizes and rewards outstanding works that resonate with Catholic values, promote faith, and inspire reflection and understanding.”

With the Best of Intentions is a collection of stories by thirty-four scholars and activists about slip-ups and outright failures of interfaith encounters. The book includes a critical analysis of why the interactions went wrong. Among the contributors are three members of the HIU faculty, Dr. David D. Grafton, Aida Mansoor, and Dr. Bilal Ansari, and two HIU alums, Dr. Nisa Muhammad and Dr. Preeta M. Banerjee.
For a recording of a book launch event hosted on campus in 2023, visit this link.
Congratulations, Lucinda, and all who participated!
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