Hartford Seminary Alumnus Ranked Among World's Most Influential Muslims

November 30, 2012

Imam Yahya Hendi, M.A. ?93, was named this week as one of the world's 500 most influential Muslims for his work as an interfaith activist.

Imam Hendi serves as chaplain at Georgetown University and is the founder of the nonprofit organization Clergy Beyond Borders.

The list of influential Muslims is compiled by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, a research organization affiliated with the Royal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Amman, Jordan. The list identifies 500 individuals whose work has significantly influenced the Muslim community.

The entry for Imam Hendi reads, "A strong interfaith dialog activist, seeking to bring the three Abrahamic religions closer together by focusing on the commonalities instead of the differences, Imam Hendi is the founder and president of the non-profit organization Clergy Beyond Borders [and leader in] Human Rights Dialogue and the Islamic Society of Frederick. His efforts over the past 14 years not just in interfaith but also in issues such as eliminating poverty, fighting terrorism, drugs and violence in America, and environmental responsibility have garnered him numerous awards."

Imam Hendi was listed under the category 'Administration of Religious Affairs'. This is the first year he was featured in the annual report.

Also featured in the report is Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr of George WashingtonUniversity, who is speaking at Hartford Seminary on Thursday, December 6. He is listed as the 44th most influential Muslim.

Dr. Nasr?s talk is titled "Sunnism and Shi;ism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."

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