Listen to "Money in Politics: The High Cost of 'Free' Speech"

October 5, 2012

On Thursday, October 4, Dr. Michael Rion, former president of Hartford Seminary and noted business ethicist, delivered a timely lecture, "Money in Politics: The High Cost of 'Free' Speech."

Dr. Rion was presenting the annual Carew/Purdy Lecture. This is an endowed lectureship, newly reinstated, that is named after Joseph and Eliza Carew of South Hadley, MA, who helped fund a lectureship in 1873, and Dr. Alexander Purdy, a much loved and admired Hartford Seminary Professor of New Testament from 1923 to 1960 and Dean from 1954 to 1960. The lectureship allows Hartford Seminary to bring to campus a leading scholar to offer a Christian perspective on contemporary public issues.

Dr. Rionis recognized nationally for his pioneering work in ethics training that successfully bridges the gap between theory and practice. He has worked on organizational ethics with major corporations and nonprofit organizations for over 30 years.

Please enjoy this recording of the lecture: LECTURE

We hope you also enjoy a few photos from the evening. In these photos, Dr. Rion is delivering his lecture and talking with Uriah Kim, Academic Dean of the Seminary, and Helen Gettemy, wife of former President James Gettemy. In bottom photo at right, Nancy Rion, left, Dr. Rion's wife, is talking with Nancy Roberts, a member of the Seminary's Board of Trustees.

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