Research Scholar Conducts Seminar on 'Institutions of American Islam'
November 20, 2019
By Paige Gainey
Dr. Niels Valdemar Vinding, a visiting research scholar from Denmark, led a recent seminar on “Institutions of American Islam” with Danish and U.S. colleagues talking about their experiences and research findings within Muslim chaplaincy.
Dr. Vinding has spent time researching and comparing Muslim chaplaincy around Europe and the United States, specifically between Hartford Seminary and University of Copenhagen. He is exploring Islamic leadership programs in hopes to bring new influence and training to the growing demand for Muslim chaplaincy in Europe.
The opening remarks were given by Dr. Vinding and Brian Arly Jacobsen on behalf of the University of Copenhagen.
Other topics discussed included:
- “The Reception of the Qur’an amongst American Muslims” by Timur Yuskaev
- “U.S. Mosque Survey 2020” by Ihsan Bagby
- “Pastoral Care and the Muslim Community” by Bilal Ansari
- “Challenges to Islamic Chaplaincy; Experiences from the Association of Muslim Chaplains” by Sharif Rosen
- “Establishing of Islamic Institutions of Education; The Case of Zaytuna” by Colleen Keyes
- “Comparisons and Reflections Across the Atlantic” by Brian Arly Jacobsen and Kirstine Sinclair
Dr. Vinding will be heading back to the Netherlands at the end of 2019.
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