HIU News

New EPIC Study on Vibrant but Fragile Latino Congregations

December 19, 2023

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The Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) recent study, “Latino Congregations: Trends from Faith Communities Today,” reveals a complex situation facing many Latino churches.

These congregations are experiencing vibrant growth - rising attendance, especially youth. Their spiritual commitment energizes communities nationwide.

However, the research found difficult sustainability challenges. A majority rely on unpaid leaders or pastors with additional jobs, committing 20 median hours to the church amidst other work.

Finances are often scarce, struggling to cover basics like rentals. Lowered pandemic giving exacerbated these resource issues.

Though dynamism pervades Latino churches, their future thriving is threatened without addressing systemic support needs.

Denominations and nonprofits must increase assistance around paid leadership, budget stabilization, and holistic sustainability.

The EPIC researchers say that with proper allies and backing, the vitality and growth of Latino faith can be matched by strong organizational foundations in the years ahead.


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