
Two International Peacemakers Find Seminary Program Unique

October 2, 2013

Doaa Baumi of Egypt and Elena Dini of Italy may be from very different backgrounds, but sharing an apartment on Hartford Seminary’s campus has already broken down any walls that might have existed between them. According to them, navigating the streets of Hartford and doing laundry together play almost as big a role as their academic studies as students in the International Peacemaking Program.


C.L. Seow Lecture Draws Standing-Room Only Crowd

October 1, 2013

A lecture by acclaimed scholar C.L. Seow drew a large crowd to Hartford Seminary on Sept. 30 to hear about “Job’s Wife in Jewish, Muslim and Christian Interpretations.”


Seminary to Host Disaster Chaplain Training Course

September 25, 2013

Through a training partnership with the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN), Hartford Seminary will host a Disaster Chaplain training course on the Hartford Seminary campus on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 5 and 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Congregation leaders, chaplains, spiritual care providers, mental health professionals, and emergency managers are urged to enroll.


Lecture Series to Explore East Windsor Hill Theological Seminary

September 23, 2013

East Windsor Hill Theological Seminary, the founding institution that is now Hartford Seminary, was located in South Windsor from 1834 to 1865. The Wood Memorial Library in South Windsor is conducting a series of three lectures, a walking tour and a gallery exhibit to explore the institution’s controversial beginnings and its influence on the town. Three Hartford seminary professors will participate in the series.


Aspen Institute Webinar Features Seminary President Heidi Hadsell

September 10, 2013

Hartford Seminary President Heidi Hadsellwas a featured speaker in a Sept. 18 webinar about the Aspen Institute’s Principled Pluralism report and the Inclusive America project. Religions for Peace USA hosted the webinar with the Aspen Institute. It also featured Joseph DeMott (Aspen Institute) and Paul Raushenbush (Huffington Post).


Seminary Makes Impressive Showing at ISNA

September 5, 2013

Hartford Seminary was well represented at the 50th annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America in Washington, DC, over Labor Day weekend.  Sohaib Sultan, ’10, now Muslim Chaplain at Princeton University, was Program Committee co-chair for the convention, which drew thousands to the annual offering of lectures on religious, social and spiritual topics, opportunities for networking, and the extensive bazaar of booths populated by educational institutions, social organizations, and merchants.


Convocation: We Have a Dream

September 5, 2013

Hartford Seminary kicked off the 2013-14 academic year with a Convocation centering on the theme “We Have a Dream.” In addition to a welcome from Academic Dean Uriah Kim and an opening prayer from Prof. Shanell Smith, Prof. Miriam Therese Winter asked those gathered to write down a dream on a piece of paper. The dreams were collected in a basket and shared.

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