President's Greeting

A Message from President Joel N. Lohr

Hartford International University for Religion and Peace is a dynamic learning environment, a place of higher education that is second to none. At HIU we take the word “for” in our name seriously. It is an action word. We believe that religion and peace are not only intertwined but dependent upon each other.

I invite you to look around our website, viewing our course offerings, degrees, and our many programs. We have a distinct focus on Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Studies and research, always with an eye toward interreligious understanding and dialogue. You’ll also notice that we are blazing new paths in Executive and Professional Education, helping our world see how religious identity is not loosely connected but fundamental to meaningful discussions on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our consulting and professional trainings are leading the way to bridge this important gap in society.

Hartford International is a microcosm of the world as it could be. We are deeply invested in peace work, and believe, with all that we are, that a better vision for our world is right here. Ours is a vison of hope, in a world so desperately in need.

I invite you to join us. You won’t be disappointed.

Joel N. Lohr, Ph.D.
President and Professor of Bible and Interreligious Dialogue

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