Candid Community Conversations: Hartford Mayoral Candidate Forum

October 21, 2023
from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Meeting Room with audience

The Howard Thurman Center at Hartford International University invites you to our inaugural Candid Community Conversations event.

Our Candid Community Conversations invite members from our multifaith community, and the community at large, to interact with our civic leaders.

Our invited guests to this conversation are the candidates appearing on the ballot on Nov. 7, 2023, for Mayor of Hartford.

Arunan Arulampalam (Democrat)
Mike McGarry (Republican)
Giselle Jacobs (Petitioning Candidate)

Nick Lebron (Petitioning Candidate)
J Stan McAuley (Petitioning Candidate)
Mark Stewart Greenstein (Petitioning Candidate) 

Due to limited seating, please arrive promptly. 

Our event coordinator and moderator is Pamela Milner Mabry, a member of Mount Olive Church Ministries. The facilitator is Beverne Cordner, Associate Director of the Howard Thurman Center. The Greater Hartford NAACP is a co-sponsor of this event.

"The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it."
— John Lewis, Congressman + Civil Rights Activist

These Civic Education flyers offer valuable information about why you should care about elections.

Civic Education Flyer (English) Civic Education Flyer (Spanish)

Named after a national icon who promoted the idea that out of religious faith emerges social responsibility, the Howard Thurman Center for Justice and Transformational Ministry expands efforts to create social change by empowering change agents who can become effective advocates for their own communities. It is the home of the Black Ministries Program, which began in 1982.

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