Archival Materials – Last Names beginning with MAT

Mathews, Samuel Sherburne (1847-1910)  See Box 399 1871 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Mathews, Shailer

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Mathias, Margaret E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Matsumiya, Kazuya SEE: Whittemore, Norman C.  
Matthew, Myrtle L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Matthews, Shailer

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Maurer, Oscar SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Maurer, Oscar E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Maurer, Oscar Edward SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Maverick and Weissinger

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

SEE: Whittemore, Norman C.

Max Milton Pearse, Jr.     
May, Amanda L. SEE: Conant, Liba  
May, Herbert G. SEE: Bradley, William L.  
May, Herbert Gordon    
May, Sally SEE: Conant, Liba  
Mayhew, Jonathan    
Maynard, Eliphal (1820-1849)  SEE Box 399  1848 grad. Theo. Inst. of Ct
Mazotas, Leo C. SEE: Benson, Russell F.  
Mbatha, Mphiwa Buxton    
Mead, Charles Marsh    
Mead, Martin Henry (1846-?)  See Box 399 1878 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Mead, Stanley P. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mead, Willis W. SEE: Vrooman, Lee  
Means, Oliver William    
Medlicott, Sarah A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Medlicott, William H. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Meek, T.J. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Meeken, Harvey L. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mehdi, Muhammad T. SEE: Cragg, Albert Kenneth  
Meigs, John SEE: Berg, (Miss)  
Meinzer, Elizabeth SEE: Banzhaf, Richard F.  
Mencken, Henry Louis    
Meng, Cheh    
Menzel, Paul A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Merriam, A.R. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Merriam, Alexander Rose    
Merriam, Thorton W. SEE: Yarrow, E.A.  
Merrick, Lucius Lathrop (1829-1864) See Box 399 1863 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Merrill, (no first name) SEE: Van Vleck, Joseph, Jr.  
Merrill, Alfred SEE: Wolcott, Elizabeth  
Merrill, Emily SEE: Conant, Liba  
Merrill, Mary A. SEE: Conant, Liba  
Merrill, Orville Willard (1827-1874)  See Box 399 1856 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct - Letter
Merrill, Selah    
Merrill, William P. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Merrill, William Pierson SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Merritt, A.E. (Mrs.) SEE: Crawford, Asa Robert  
Merritt, Elbridge Whitney (1828-?)  See Box 399 1862 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Merton, Gordon SEE: Alden, Frederick Winthrop  
Meserve, Isaac Curtis (1847-?)  See Box 399 1869 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Meserve, William Neal (1840-?)  See Box 399 1874 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Metcalf, Jennifer SEE: Benson, Russell F.  
Meter, (Mrs.) C.H. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Meter, (Mrs.) C.H. Van SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Michael, T. J. SEE: Crawford, Asa Robert  
Michel, F.J. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Michel, T.J. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Michot, Yahya    
Miles, Harry R. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miles, Thomas Morley (1839-1908)  See Box 399 1869 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Miller, Adam W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miller, George Alpha (1831-1910)  See Box 399 1859 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Miller, H. Earl SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miller, J. Allen SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miller, J.Q. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Miller, J. Quinter SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Miller, Mary E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miller, Orie O. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miller, Robert Dexter (1824-?)  See Box 399 1852 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Miller, Roy A. SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas  
Miller, William R. SEE: Chakerian, Charles Garabed  
Millington, Conn. Church of Christ    
Mills, (no first name) SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mills, A.R. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mills, Charles S.

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Mills, Hattie D. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mills, J. Raymond SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mills, Renee SEE: Van Deusen, Courtland  
Miner, (Mrs.) Anson W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miner, Ether W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miner, Luella SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Miner, Nathaniel    
Miner, William R. SEE: Chakerian, Charles Garabed  
Minton, W.P. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Minton, Wilson P. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mintz, (Mrs.) Jacqueline Wei    
Mirick, Edward Augustus (1840-?)  See Box 399 1867 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Mitchel, Frederick J. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mitchell, E.K. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mitchell, Edwin SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mitchell, Edwin K. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mitchell, Edwin Knox (1) SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mitchell, Edwin Knox (2)
Mitchell, Edwin Knox, Jr. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mitchell, (Mrs.) Edwin Knox SEE: Barnes, Rev. William  
Mitchell, Frederica SEE: Crawford, Asa Robert  
Mitchell, Hetty M. E. ((Mrs.) Edwin Knox Mitchell)    
Mitchell, Spencer Trask    
Mock, James SEE:  
Moen, Philip W.    
Moffatt, James    
Mohr, Emma Jane SEE: Crawford, Asa Robert  
Moir, Henry SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moldenhawer, J.V. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Monford, Amy SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Monger, Albert E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Monjeau, Cleophas (1839-1917)  See Box 399 1867 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Monod, Victor    
Monroe, Paul SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Montgomery, J.S. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Montor, Max    
Mood, A.M. SEE: Benson, Russell F.  
Moody, (Mr.) (no first name) SEE: Van Dyke, Tertius  
Moody, Ambert G. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moody, Calvin B. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moody, Calvin Blodgett (1855-?)  See Box 399 1880 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct - Letter
Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899    
Moody, Will R. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moon, Lewis C. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moore, Doris SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moore, Edward C. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moore, Florence A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moore, Jean S. ((Mrs.) Cavell)    
Moore, (Mrs.) Lillian B. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moore, Richard B. SEE: Benson, Russell F.  
More, Paul Elmer    
Morgan, Joy Elmer SEE: Wysner, Gloria M.  
Morgan, Lucy S.    
Morgan, Margaret SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morrill, Belle C. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morrill, Belle Chapman    
Morris, Grace Rose SEE: Carter, Willard Thomas  
Morris, Jonathan F.    
Morris, Lewis Foster (1842-1906)  See Box 399 1869 non-grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Morris, Raymond P. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morrison, P.J. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morrison, Sarah SEE: Conant, Liba  
Morsbach, Adolf SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morse, Hazel Fosgate SEE: Augur, (Mrs.) Julius (Gertrude)  
Morse, Herman N. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Morse, Jedediah    
Mortensen, W.W. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mortimore, A.J. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moses, Vincent (1844-1912)  See Box 399, 1871 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct  
Mosher, Arthur T. SEE: Blizzard, Samuel W.  
Moss, (no first name given) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moss, (Mr.) (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moss, A.B. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moss, Arthur Bruce SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moss, L.B. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Moss, Leslie B.

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Moss, Lester B. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Mott, (Mr.) (no first name) SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mott, J.A. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mott, John SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Mott, John R. (Dr.)

SEE: Barbur, B.R.

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Moulton, Joseph L. SEE: Voegli, (Miss) Martha  
Moulton, Warren J. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moyle, H.B. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Moyle, Henry B.    
Mullah, Thomas J. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Muller, Samuel    
Mulligan, William SEE: Conant, Liba  
Mullins, Imogene SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Munroe, Jr., Vernon SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Murdock, George E. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Murphy, (Miss)(no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Murphy, Henry K.    
Murray, (no first name) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Murray, J. Lovell

SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott

SEE: Capen, Edward Warren

Murray, John A. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Murray, John A., Jr. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Murray, Maud E. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Murray, William Henry Harrison (1840-1904) SEE: See Box 399 1864 grad. of Theo. Inst. of Ct
Murrow, Edward R. SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Murry, Mary A.    
Muyskens, John H.    
Myers, (Dr.) (no first name) SEE: Barstow, Robbins Wolcott  
Myers, A.J.W. SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Myers, Alexander John William (A.J. Wm.) SEE: Capen, Edward Warren  
Myers, Harry S.    
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